Event Details

Event ID
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Yet again, Marick has managed to not only impress, but also astound the summit with his consistent contributions to the House. Since his promotion, he has managed to sculpt Oblivion Brigade into one of the prominent battleteams of the Brotherhood, diligently editing and changing aspects of the battleteam; developing the fictional basis of the team and eagerly contracting new and promising members for him to personally oversee. This is no mean task and he has taken it upon himself to gracefully balance his workload that seems to grow exponentially.

Not only has Marick’s focus been in the development of his battleteam, however. He has worked ardently to refine and reshape the Arcona Contract Bureau into a sound and effective means of fictional development, with his commissioner, for Arcona as a whole. By writing and re-writing contract initiations, marking, introducing, concluding and ranking the members’ scores on the forums and on a scoring database, he has portrayed himself as an efficient and effective leader and administrator. He has acted as the Head of the Contract Bureau since he devised the institution itself, tirelessly ploughing through an increasing workload without a want for personal gratification only exemplifying his loyalty to Arcona, and devotion to its development. He is an inspiration to all of the members in the House. It is an honour to work with him.

On behalf of the Arconan Summit, I would like to recommend him for an Anteian Cross.

Congratulations, Wally.

~OP Wuntila, Aedile of House Arcona

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2011-02-07 09:08:15 UTC