Event Details

Event ID
Celahir Erinos Arconae
Steel Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Celahir has once again shown how significant he is as part of the Arconan mechanism with his recent activity and willingness to contribute to Arcona as a whole. The Arcona website was once a fundamental piece of equipment in an Arconan’s repertoire and, in recent years, it had fallen into disrepair. A summit-propelled project was undertaken to reinvigorate the website and Celahir jumped at the chance, offering his truly remarkable coding skills in the project, becoming the driving force behind its completion. He manually edited many of the pages, with the help of the site’s original creator – Orv – Which was a long and arduous process; Celahir happily took it on board and really hit the ground running with the project with no want of reward and as an act of voluntary work on behalf of the Arconan summit.

He successfully re-established a connection between the original site and Arcona.darkjedibrotherhood.com and began rewriting one page at a time, all the while consulting the summit with enthusiasm and passion about what he should do next. He poured many hours of work into re-working the access for the summit, completing the ‘fleet’ page, including all of its sub-pages (including the manual write up of EVERY ship in the Arcona Order of Battle, which was no small feat due to the archaic coding on the site), he modified the ‘Master-Student’ page and the ‘titles’ page all with integrity and an air of pride for his work.

Not once did he express any feeling of obligation to the summit and he acted as a workhorse really developing a sound and useful tool to add back into the Arconan and DJB community. He has been a VERY useful individual to the summit over the past two weeks whilst he was completing the website and it is for this reason that I request that he be rewarded by means of a Steel Cross.

You’ve been a fantastic help Cel and without your input, this project would’ve been entirely redundant. On behalf of the entire Arconan summit, Thank you.

~Wuntila Zratian Entar,

Aedile of House Arcona.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2011-03-16 11:41:30 UTC