Event Details

Event ID
Lord Halcyon
Sith Lord
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Sarin bade Halcyon to his side. "There stands one final matter to attend to this night," the assembly was quieted at this expecting the ceremonies to be at a conclusion. "You all know the Rite was no mean feat to be organized and administered. For your recognition and ascension to be possible, many worked at my side to ensure that you would be tested to your limits. One among them stands before you," at this Sarin indicated the Deputy Grand Master, Halcyon.

Halcyon quickly forced his obvious surprise below the surface and maintained an appearance of reserve while the Grand Master continued.

"Halcyon Rokir has performed his duties admirably and has exceeded my expectations as Deputy Grand Master. There exists scarcely an award or rank I could bestow upon him which he does not already possess. Those remaining baubles will surely come in time. Of this, there is no doubt. But what I bestow tonight is far more telling than a mere token." Sarin watched their curiosity piqued.

At these lauding words from the Grand Master, Halcyon was moved to address his lord. "Master Sarin, I have done no more than—"

"Kneel, Shadow Hand, and be recognized as few have," Sarin said interrupting Halcyon's modest protest. "For when you rise, in the company of Sith Lords will you be."

The Deputy Grand Master fell immediately to one knee before the avatar of the Dark Side.

Many hushed whispers rustled throughout the ranks of Dark Jedi. Not all were mutterings of approval. An askance look from the Grand Master froze the ranks in silence sending a chill down each spine. The baleful stare was fleeting, but effective.

"Let it be known that I, Sarin, Dark Lord of the Sith, bring Halcyon Rokir formally into the Order of Sith Lords. From this day on he shall be known as Lord Halcyon Rokir!" Rise, Lord Rokir."

Lord Halcyon, 2007-04-07 22:00:00 UTC