Event Details

Event ID
Bryar Bowl Champion Benevolent Taldrya Whiner
Grand Cross
Requested by
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Primary reason

Benevolent Taldrya Whiner has been a member of the Wiki Staff for nearly four years now; having joined in July 2007. He has served under great Tribunes like Astronicus Sadow, RevengeX Palpatine, and Solari. During this time, he has constantly patrolled the Recent Changes page, ensuring that edits made are appropriate and correct several times a day, even when he's in a class. He's that devoted. He is usually one of the first people I go to when it comes to the DJBWiki, because his experience and know-how far outmatches my own. He has a non-biased attitude when it comes to our Wikipedia, making him an even valuable Staff Member.

Ben has yet to be rewarded in recent times (as far as I know, over a year) for his hard work. He's always willing to help out, and completes any tasks I assign him in little time. Statistically, he has patrolled thousands of edits (which don't take two seconds to do, mind you. He actually examines the edit), corrected at least a hundred image uploads (adding the { {fairuse}} tag and proper image categories) and helps me make sure everything is running smoothly. In Taldryan, we have a pseudo-policy that we like to go by. We don't just hand out medals for the sake of handing out medals. We make our members work for their promotions and their medals. Once they have, we make sure that they are properly rewarded for all of their hard work. I try to apply this to the DJBWiki as much as possible, because I am a firm believer that it requires hard work and dedication to earn anything. It is for his hard work serving the Dark Jedi Brotherhood as a DJBWiki Staff member over these past four years that I recommend Benevolent Taldrya Whiner for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratulations Buttercup, and keep up the great work.

His Honor, Sith Battlemaster Anubis Annedu Wiki Tribune of the Dark Brotherhood Aedile of House Taldryan

General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2011-04-21 18:29:57 UTC