There are two aspects to Shikyo's work: That which can be seen and that which can't be. For most people Shikyo is the guy who does lightsabers and warbanners for people. This is a work his continues to do to this day, and has done countless of them since his last reward. On top of that he was a major part in the "Herald Style Hannukah" that saw many new lightsabers and robes offerred to the membership. He also continues work on the Headshot selector as well as images for the future possessions. Overall his work is constant and consistent, and this is just a token of our appreciation.
DJM Halcyon Taldrya
Deputy Grand Master
It's easy to see the work of Shikyo Keibatsu. His hand is seen in a lot of work, from the easily visible expansions to the robes and sabers selectors and the warbanner work to the silent behind the scenes work that has yet to be released, like the Headshot selector or possessions work. While we all wait with baited breath to see the results of this long-term work, it's more than time to reward him for the work we all have seen, with a Grand Cross of the Dark side for his collection. A small token of our esteem, we all hope to continue benefiting from his talented work. Thank you, Shikyo. ~Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith
Lord Halcyon, 2011-05-23 17:44:32 UTC