Event Details

Event ID
Shadow Zebina
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Ji has thrown the dice and appears to have managed to secure a concept that will thrive in the DB. He has taken the time and effort to help build a House from scratch while also building a new identity into the DB (damn lighties). He has taken his own ideas and channeled them into a place where others may also share their won creative efforts. He has kept together a wide-range of members, many from different Clan-cultures in the DB and meled them into a new identity. While this experiment is still ongoing, Ji should be recognized for the efforts that were required to get it all up and running. As such, his is more than deserving of this award. Congratulations!

DJM Halcyon Taldrya Deputy Grand Master

There are some people who have brilliant ideas, wonderful work ethic, and the will to see it through, yet they meet a stone wall of stagnant traditions, of stuborn adherance to the old ways of failure. This is often a recipe for the most charred of burnouts. Thankfully, this is not what happened to Ji. Recognizing what he was dealing with, Ji left the place where he could not affect the changes that he wanted to see and grew his own future. Recruiting from the dead, the disenchanted, the fringe of our club and gambling it all on a concept that could very well go sideways on him in our club, Ji proved that without risk, there is no innovation. He's risked it all. And here we are, watching with interested eyes how this grand expirement works, to see if it survives the acid test of War intact, if it outlasts the novelty. So far, we've seen a lot of good coming from him. And today, I'm happy to encourage his efforts by way of a Grand Cross. ~Muz Ashen, your House's Grand Enemy.

Lord Halcyon, 2011-05-23 17:44:32 UTC