Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Liam Torun-Urr
Primary reason

Since I have assumed the mantles of Taskmaster and Battleteam Commander within House Plagueis, I have set many policies before my members. These were about encouraging activity, as well as assessing it; only one member managed to meet every stricture and each rule on time. Furthermore, he managed to do so while taking instruction from myself and the Quaestor on how to improve his English.

Even as he learns and despite his language barrier, he adds to these accomplishments the skilled mentoring of JH Imichua Haruki, entries to competitions such as [Pilus] Renegade Down, participation in the Shards of a Lingering Darkness Run-On, hosting competitions such as [PLA] Vader's Fist and [PLA] The Royal Guard, submitting weekly reports on his own activity and that of his student without being asked to do so, and regularly emailing the Battleteam's googlegroup to boost morale and suggest ideas and improvements.

This member is Tiberius di Cloud, and this is no activity increase for him; this is his idea of standard procedure. I recommend him for a Dark Cross, in recognition for his tireless efforts and drive. Well done, Tiberius.

Liam Torun-Urr, 2011-07-08 01:17:55 UTC