Event Details

Event ID
Kratus Vahillus
Grand Cross
Requested by
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

Even before he came to Arcona, Kratus Vahillus was a name to know around the Brotherhood, though he was Severon Vercisomething. In addition to actively serving former Clan Tarentum in several leadership roles, Kratus also was one of the members who went to House Odan-Urr when it initially opened and helped shaped that hive of Jedi into what it is today by serving as the Battleteam Leader of the “Lightwalkers”. I have no doubt that HOU is what it is today, an active and solid addition to the Brotherhood (even if they follow the wrong side of the Force) , in no small part because of Kratus’ hard work and contributions And then he came to Arcona…and boy were we glad to have him as he hit the ground running, and I’m not just saying that. Concurrent with Kratus’ arrival in ARC, House Galeres (his new home) had recently decommissioned the Sukhur’s Legion Battleteam and replaced it with a new, gaming-focused initiative…Battleteam Revenance Virtuom, led by Exarch Cethgus Entar. Kratus immediately jumped head first into RV, playing games and earning Clusters of Fire, being featured in the BTL’s intro report fiction, having numerous Skype conversations with his BTL as well as other influential members of the BT, and even going as far as to write a good portion of RV’s wiki/fictional outline. On a final note, and more personal note, Kratus never stopped being active, even when he was done with RV’s wiki outline. Within a week and a half, Kratus had devised a solid way to kill off his former character (the Jedi Severon Vercisomething) and had created a believable, detailed, and brutal character to play as he came back to the Dark Side. It is this kind of activity that we like to see in a member, the kind that goes beyond just developing your character but also working with others to strengthen fictional bonds (Kratus’ in-character marriage to Xathia) and helping your House and Clan as a whole. But beyond being the kind of activity that we like to see, that kind of activity warrants one of the Brotherhood’s more valuable medals…a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratulations Kratus! You’ve definitely earned this and I can’t wait to see what you’ll do next! ~Talos Erinos Aedile, House Galeres

I am honoured to be recommending Kratus for this Grand Cross of the Dark Side, his hard work inside of the brotherhood as well as Arcona has not gone unnoticed.  Since his last promotion, Kratus has been a busy boy, doing the following things:

Anteian Cross Dark Cross Crescent with Sapphire Star x3 Crescent with Topaz Star x2 Crescent with Emerald Star x6 Legion of the Scholar Cluster of Ice x7 Seal of Bone x3 Dark Side Scroll Seal of Defiance Seal of Return x3 Sith Commander – 2 Months Krath Tetrach – 2 Months Aedile – 3 Months   Since he has joined Arcona, this guy has been a constantly active member inside the Clan, always trying to participate in competitions, also driving to prove himself. He is a model image for members in the team, as well as working with each other and helping drive RV forward into the future. Persoanlly his hard work, willingness to be active and motivation I have seen from him since he joined Arcona has been inspiring, keep up the hard work.   Keep up the hard work dude, you are doing us all proud, and congratulations on achieving this grand cross, you have done a great job keep it up. Cethgus

Kratus hasn't been an Arconan for long, but since he joined he has displayed nothing but approachability, activity and most importantly, skill. When he does something, Kratus does it well and this can be seen by the numerous crescents he has been awarded over the time period mentioned.

In addition to his activity, Kratus has served as a leader with distinction in several roles, earning his members trust and working hard for their benefit as well as the benefit of the House he was a part of at the time. Not only this, but he has a wide array of activity in which he participates, making him versatile in addition to be generally pretty kick-ass.

I think all that could be said has been said really. Kratus has earned this reward and, if this is any indication, he will earn far more if he keeps the hard work up. Congratulations, you've earned this.

Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae Arcona CON

Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2011-07-17 01:52:02 UTC