Event Details

Event ID
Aidan Kincaid
Steel Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

Shadow Taldrya has been what I've considered as the leading Elder for many years in Taldryan. Even in his lowest form of activeness, he emanates awesomeness. Shad' collectively competed in 6 events throughout the Independence Games, and placed 1st in 3 of them, securing himself 3 Gold Nova's. This feat of superior activity and knowledge in the art of fiction and Vendettas landed him 2nd place overall throughout the Dark Jedi Brotherhood during the Independence Games.

Aside from his efforts in war, he's been applying his knowledge in standard activity, ranging from, but not limited to: Trivia (winning himself a Legion of the Scholar for placing), Substantial work on the Wiki (Both editing and writing wiki articles for members, including his own Wiki article) both before and after it crashed, competing in random House competitions and DJB competitions alike (He won the Heralds Dark Assassin competition), and passing Shadow Academy courses (A couple are Old Republic History and Combat Tactics II, for example, all being passed with %100).

Shadows figure is forever etched into Taldryan's legacy, and he continues to add to that mark... even if he is as old as father time. Shadow maintains the title as one of the most reliable members in regards to IRC activity. His grip on fiction has grown so strong as of late, there has yet to be a competition he submits to that DOESN'T win. I find it truly amazing to have such a member within Taldryan, and I can't wait to see what else this influencial member can bring to Taldryan that he hasn't already done over the past decade.

For being awesome throughout the past couple of months, including the IG's, and being the member Taldryan and the DJB needs x100 of, I hereby award Shadow Taldrya with a Steel Cross. This should increase your E-peen by a few inches, at least. I apologize for this being late, but I hope it was worth the wait? <3

-Quaestor Shaz'air Taldrya

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2011-08-01 18:31:09 UTC