Event Details

Event ID
Kaz Raith
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

Tyre Arvalis, Taldryan's leading member in activity through the early months in the year and the most active Journeymen in the House, is one of a kind. Although this medal is delayed by a handful of months, it's contents still holds weight.

Starting with his activity prior to his stellar performance in the 2011 Independence Games, Tyre was a permanent fixture on IRC in the channels of #taldryan and #db, and an active one. His communication skills beat that of some leaders I've seen in the Brotherhood. Always talking to fellow House-mates and DJB members, Tyre made a name for himself amongst the House. His activity ranged from trivia, to various fiction competitions at both the House and DB level, to gaming.

His most astounding showing was his activity in the '11 IG's. Participating in 8 total events, Tyre managed to place in 2 of them with a Bronze Nova in week 1 and a Gold Nova in week 2. Overall, Tyre placed 8th amongst the active members in the DB through this large event. His communication through this event was outstanding; logging on IRC every day and constantly responding to messages over the House mailing list.

In addition to his stellar showing in the IG's, Tyre remained to be the front of epicness. His commitement to the Brotherhood earned him a Seal of Loyalty from the Grand Master. Tyre has become one decorated member sicne his transfer into Taldryan back in April. Tyre is the perfect candidate to pull weight for any House within the Brotherhood, and Taldryan was lucky to have him.

For his sheer amazingness in everything he does, I hereby (belatedly, mind you) award Dark Jedi Knight Tyre Arvalis with an Antein Cross. Thank you for your hard work, Tyre, this award is well earned.

  • Quaestor Shaz'air Taldrya

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2011-08-01 19:33:59 UTC