Event Details

Event ID
Chaosrain Taldrya
Steel Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

Obelisk Exarch Chaosrain Taldrya has been by far one of the more active Members during the GJW, has he not only participated in a total of 23 Events, with placing in the top10 three times. He was fairly active over email and IRC, as well/

For his work as a member of Taldryan, and his activity during the events of the 10th Great Jedi War, it is a pleasure for me to recommend the awarding of a Steel Cross to Obelisk Exarch Chaosrain Taldrya. Good work Chaos.

OT Rian Aslar Rollmaster of Taldryan


For participation in the GJW X, placing in the top 10 for three events and his presence on IRC as well as continued activity within House Taldryan, it is with great pleasure I recommend Chaosrain Taldrya for this Steel Cross. Congratulations and well done!

~Pontifex Ashia Kagan Keibatsu Aedile House Taldryan Magistrate to the Grand Master

Magistrate to the VOICE

Chaos may fail, but there is more than compious amounts of Win to be had when he is around. His dedication to Taldryan never seems to fail, no matter what the strain on his life is. Chaos is not one for excuses, and gets right to it and gets his hands dirty with actvitiy. This GJW Taldryan had the awesome suprise of one of it's former Consuls take a step up and fight with us, Chaos earning himself 23 Seals of Decimation, three of those event entries placing top 10 in the events he participated in.

It's truly awesome to see such a prestigious member like Chaos make his activity seem so effortless, and I am truly honored to have had him around for this War, and I hope to see him stick around a bit longer... he's a good guy good, no matter what they say. ;)

For his awesome service on behalf of Taldryan's good name, I hereby request that Obelisk Exarch Chaosrain Taldrya be awarded a Steel Cross on behalf of Taldryan. Thanks, man, for your hard work.

  • Shaz'air Taldrya, Quaestor of House Taldryan Exarch of the Obelisk Order, #9193

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2011-11-05 23:22:36 UTC