Event Details

Event ID
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Kell Palpatine Dante is one of the few members I know I can totally rely on to bring his A game constantly. It is because of members like Dante that the DB can flourish. Dante constantly is a source of advise and an excellent example for all the members in HSP. This became abundantly clear with his performance in the tenth Great Jedi War. Over the course of the war he competed in an amazing 25 events. His submissions maintained the high standards he set for himself, never satisfied with just getting a seal for competing but striving to be the very best. His hard work netted him four bronze novae and two silver novae. This excellent effort netted him enough points to come in 8th overall in the war. This effort also helped secure HSP 3rd place in the war. With out his work HSP would not be doing as well as it is. His example was a clear example to all of the newer members of the house.

He was more than just an example, he as Battleteam Leader he was not only a driving force in helping his team being active but the rest of the house as well. He was a constant source of suggestions for members who were looking for feedback on what they were working on. He was also a big team player on the events that were house level submissions instead of just individual submissions.

All in all Dante did amazing and outstanding work over the course of the war, both as a member and a leader here in HSP. I am truly grateful for his efforts. Thank you for all your work Dante and Congratulations. You have more than earned this.

Xen’Mordin Vismorsus

Darth Aeternus, 2011-11-13 12:49:19 UTC