Archean has worked hard to maintain what activity he has been able to muster, despite being stricken with very serious medical issues at this time. He has maintained himself by communication to assist me as Aedile, and to try and show an active example to the House. Additionally, he participated in two events in the last Independence Games, which I am sorry to admit, has taken me a while to submit rewards on. He was also able to submit to two events in GJWX, and participate in what email discussion and planning he can for the House. For his continued dedication to Tarentum, for his example of leadership and perseverance, and for the friendship he provides to all members of Tarentum, he has our thanks, and we are pleased to recommend him for a Dark Cross.
-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae
Quaestor, House Tarentum
Sith Order
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2011-11-16 13:49:57 UTC