Event Details

Event ID
Jorad Erinos
Emerald Dagger
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Below are reccomendations from Dash' clan, for an Amethyst Kukri. However, I do not believe an AK is warranted here. So, instead, he will be awarded an Emerald Dagger.

Why? He has been my Praetor for a good year now. Without him, the MAA office wouldn't be working as fast as it does now. Also, he has been a sounding board for all that time, and isn't afraid to tell me when something is stupid.

Beyond that, as noted below, Arcona wouldn't be where they are now, if it weren't for him. So, all in all, I believe an ED is more warranted then an AK.

~Korras, Master at Arms.

Dash is the bedrock upon which Arcona sits. He is a constant presence; always helpful, always willing, always approachable. He has been fundamental to Arcona’s success over the past two years and his dedication is beyond comprehension. During my travels along the metaphorical road of leadership within Arcona, Dash has persistently been a safety net upon which any leader or member could fall. His presence is awe-inspiring and his work-rate is comparable. He acts by a sense of duty not only ingrained in Arcona but to the Dark Brotherhood as a whole.

Over the past year Dash has never ceased to amaze and astonish. His ability has blanketed every known realm of the Dark Brotherhoods formats. It is first necessary to establish the specific roles his has fulfilled since his promotion to Dark Adept to really analyse the extent of his work.

In November last year, Dash was one of a handful of members who offered to help with a small wiki project I was undertaking, which pertained to the development of the fictional role of the military in the Arconan rank and file. This was set to be a weeklong job, but it became a marathon as opposed to the initially proposed sprint. As a result, it was left to Dash and myself (mainly Dash) to orchestrate and establish a fantastic team capable of fulfilling the task. Alas, he provided, enabling Arcona in its entirety to subscribe to this new system. Although this system has since died (due to the wiki crash) it has still passed the test of time, with requests and questions regarding its return. It is a clear testament to his skill and his dedication to the Clan, but it is only one of many things he has accomplished in this short time period.

Another example of Dash’s metaphorical flexing came into play was meeting the criteria necessary for Arcona being reinstated as a Clan. Dash was one of the instrumental editors of the project, contributing reams of pages whilst constantly proof-reading and editing as drafts and redrafts flooded his inbox. He was, without a doubt, integral to Arcona’s reclanning; without his efforts it wouldn’t have been possible. By the same token, his activities after the reclanning process were exceptional. He was part of a small board in charge of the election of new Summit members and it was Dash alone who took it upon himself to train and develop said members, sculpting them into a GJW-winning team, capable of any task set by the upper summit. He was able to aid the Summit during times of absence on the part of myself as Proconsul and the Consul, Zandro, stepping up to become a de-facto clan leader with only the clan’s welfare in mind and without any want for reward.

It was in the Great Jedi War that Dash was at his finest, however. Dash only participated in nine events, he still acquired three silver novae, one gold nova and six clusters of ice. This, however, doesn’t compare to the effort he put into the ACC, participating in a total of fifteen matches over the three-week period the ACC event was open. On its own this is an astonishing feat, however, Dash still picked up the slack in the Summit, acting as yet another de-facto summit member with the absence of Zandro. He was always present and always willing to help. As a result, his contributions were a significant factor in Arcona’s success in the war and without his expertise and leadership ability, Arcona may have not been so successful.

Dash has also been instrumental in the fictional development of Arcona in the past year and a half, contributing significant amounts to the Wikipedia pages, the report fictions and the overarching storyline pertaining to the development of Arcona.

Therein lies his feats as a member of Arcona, however, Dash’s ability extends so much further. He has constantly acted as a loyal Praetor to Korras in his capacity as Praetor to the Master-At-Arms, aiding in the development of the office, whilst still juggling his role in Arcona. This, I’m sure will be/has been covered in more detail by Korras, however it is a clear example of the extent of his capabilities and talents.

In the view of all of his compatriots, Dash has more than fulfilled the criteria of doing something beyond what is expected of them and acting to the benefit of their clan or elsewhere. He has done much more than that; he has established himself as one of the leading figures of Arcona and the Dark Brotherhood in general. Juggling his capacity as Arconae, as a de-facto summit leader whilst still maintaining a frankly inhuman level of activity is more than anyone could expect even the most involved members of the DB.

It is for this reason, along with the reasons outlined below/above, that I would like to recommend Dash for an Amethyst Kukri.

Congratulations Jon, you’ve earned it.

~Wuntila Zratian Entar, Consul of Clan Arcona.

Where to start with Dash, he's been one of the instrumental persons in Arcona, both for me personally, back in the day when I was a mere BTL, all the way to when I was Consul. He's always there for anyone, and needless to say, what he does, he does it well.

He's been a major part of nearly, if not everything, that happened within Arcona, and to this day still keeps in close contact with the entire Clan and both house summits. Aiding, guiding, helping, call it what you want, but he's a driving force in Arcona. I'm not going to say we wouldn't be where we are now without him, but I feel it's worth considering that as a probability.

De-facto summiteer, Arconae, Elder, one of the most respected and well known people both in character and out of character, he achieved it all. That isn't to say that he didn't work his ass off for it. It's all more than deserved.

An Amethyst Kukri, it's a prestigous award, only given to those who really REALLY deserve it, Dash is one of those people. it's not just within Arcona (of which he's an integral part) that he's shown what he's both worth and capable of, but also outside of Arcona, although I'm sure other people can vouch and commend him for work done out of Arcona than I ever could.

All in all, a most deserved reward, which will hopefully even the odds if we're looking at the amount of work this man has put into both Arcona and the DB as a whole.

Bro, thank you for everything you've done, and continue doing. The DB wouldn't be the same without you. Congratulations, you've deserved it.

~Celahir Erinos, Quaestor of House Galeres

I’m not really sure where to begin this Sacramental request because I can’t pinpoint a single area to talk about…in a nutshell, Sashar (henceforth Dash) literally does everything that he’s capable of doing; a twice-former Consul and before that Proconsul and years ago every House Summit position except Rollmaster and currently the Sergeant of Clan Arcona’s fabled Soulfire Strike Team, it’s hard to isolate one area to talk about when I’d be doing the numerous others an injustice by not giving them any mention.

So I’ll write this recommendation with the role(s) that Dash has played in my own Brotherhood career, for I openly admit that if it wasn’t for him, I would have retired or burnt-out a while back. As to not end up writing a novel (this’ll be more of a novelette), I’ll start at the end of my CoJ Probation; while Dash initially ridiculed me for my super stupid move, all of which was well warranted, it was him who came around and helped give me the push I needed to get active and be recognized by the Clan Summit at that time and as a result, be given my first Summit position post-Trial, which was Battleteam Leader.

Due to my BTL spot being in House Qel-Droma while Dash remained (as ever) a fixture in House Galeres, we didn’t have much interaction but without that initial push to get back into the leadership saddle, I would not have progressed from BTL to Qel-Droma’s AED and from there, House Arcona’s first Rollmaster when the De-Clanning came about.

Much more recently however, Dash has literally been my advisor and mentor in the ways of leadership within Clan Arcona, as I was named the Aedile of House Galeres when Arcona was reclanned back in April. When the Quaestor of House Galeres, Celahir Erinos, had to take an extended leave of absence due to real-life issues and it was left to me to lead Galeres in his stead, it was Dash who advised me on how to better interact with members, contributed ideas for House fictional development and identity, told me what areas I was doing good in and what areas I needed to change in.

His upfront no-BS way of talking was nothing short of abrasive at first but as time went on and I realized that Dash not only knew what he was talking about but had successfully done this job before, I grew to appreciate and value each and every word he said (unless it was on mIRC). Therefore, while Celahir and I are the positioned leaders of House Galeres, with our names on the website, make no mistake that without Dash, House Galeres wouldn’t be what it is today and on a much larger scale, Arcona would never have re-earned the label of “Clan” that we all so desperately wanted.

Besides advising me in a leadership capacity, Dash has also been nothing short of a great friend, something that I find humorous as it wasn’t all that long ago that we couldn’t stand one another…I certaintly never would have thought that given time and interaction, I would count Dash as a close friend nor would I ever call myself a member of his Family. To be clear, I am not the only person who has had the privilege of having Dash as a mentor, and I’m sure that while I’m one of the most recent, I won’t be the last. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to say that Dash has had a big role in developing and training each and every member who currently holds a position on the Summit of Arcona. Compound this with all the work he has done on an individual basis (his stellar ACC record and mad skill in fiction writing) as well all his work in the Master-at-Arms Office as Praetor, there is no-one more deserving of a Sacramental Award than Sashar Erinos, di Tenebrous Arconae (or Teroch Erinos).

-- OP Talos Erinos Aedile, House Galeres

Dash is truly something else. To say that he is a legend is almost an understatement. When it comes to leading by example, he is the first person that comes to mind. When you ask about the best writers in the entire brotherhood, you can't exclude his name. His ability to simply create content is unparalleled - whether it's clan based content, family histories, or military expansions. This all becomes evident when you have the honor of fighting along side him in a war. In the Battleplan, he was on the front lines crafting ideas. In the Wiki events, he was involved with every discussion. He simply has a hand in everything, and that's what truly makes Dash the legend that he is. He doesn't do one thing well. He just does everything well.

On top of that, he still maintains his position as P:MAA, Battleteam Leader, and a mentor to myself and the younger leaders. He has always been there for me and I would not be where I am without him. He is a hero, and a role model of the highest caliber.

~Marick Del'Abbot Quaestor of House Qel-Droma

What can I say about Jon that hasn't already been said? He's a force of nature. He has his hand in everything that happens around him, without trying to control any of it. No matter what the situation, no matter whose responsibility it ultimately is, he shows up whenever you hit a roadblack and blasts through it, without ever seeming to realize it's in his way. I'm sure others will be giving you a variety of examples, but the fact is that Jon does this with every project he approaches. He showed this in the recent war in a hundred small ways few people took the time to notice. From the Battleplan, to event strategies, to handling the inevitable bumps in the road that arose, he was always there. This special quality he brings to everything he does is the "work [that] reaches levels of exceptional value..." In my experience with Jon, this is what he does best - solve problems through a keen intellect and sheer force of will. Were it not for him, I have little doubt that a great deal of Arcona's recent accomplishments would have proven impossible.

~Invictus Aedile of House Qel-Droma

-- His Excellency,

Wuntila Zratian Entar, Consul of Clan Arcona.

Darth Aeternus, 2011-11-17 11:05:14 UTC