Event Details

Event ID
Shikyo Keibatsu
Emerald Dagger
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Shikyo has been an excellent Herald. His design of new robes and saber images for the membership is commendable. He has served as Herald for a very long time, since Muz stepped down from the position. Shikyo has his hand in many areas of service inside the Brotherhood, including acting as a Dark Council advisor for Clan Naga Sadow for a time. His door is always open, and he does his best to help those who seek his counsel. The Brotherhood is a better place for all the work he has done over the years. many members have his unique images on thier dossiers. The Herald's staff also is well-trained and very helpful under his guidance. His Herald-style Hannukah images are an especially nice addition to the options members have to make their characters more unique. Shikyo is deserving of serious commendation. ~Macron Goura Sadow, Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Shikyo has turned out countless sabers and warbanners upon request. Not only that, but he keeps adding those available for general selection every year as well, with the Herald Style Hanukah. Also, behind the scenes, he has been working on the mugshot selector, something that will be released when it is all done. I am not one for many words. I prefer to do things. So, to keep it short: I do think that Shikyo deserves this. congrats! ~Korras, Master at Arms

Shikyo Keibatsu has done a great many things for the DB. I've had the pleasure of watching his talent grow as Herald. His contributions of graphics for the DB has been numerous. He has also been a great mentor to many of our members. He is a true asset to this club and I am proud to recommend him for this sacramental award. Congratulations, Shik! ~Ashia Keibatsu, Aedile, House Taldryan

The Herald is charged with making graphics for the DB. Much of the work done is of professional-grade level, where you would be paying in large numbers for the work that is produced by someone like Shikyo. He has been consistent in the quality and quantity of his work, with the last HSH being a perfect example of it. Everyone in the DB was extremely pleased with the offerings this year. So even though he was overseas, he still managed to send those daily posts out to us. Since last he was rewarded Shikyo has made numerous lightsabers, warbanners and even other robes. He has ensured that the quality we have grown used to from the Herald office hasn't slipped. Since he's been Herald for so long, it becomes easy to take for granted just how much work and effort is involved in keeping up the same level of quality. It is a testament to his ability and drive that things haven't slipped. Congratulations, and keep up the fantastic work! ~Halcyon Taldrya, Sith Lord

Shikyo is a name that almost everyone in the Brotherhood is familiar with. His work in the Herald's office has been nothing short of outstanding. He has put forth hundreds, if not thousands of graphics for public consumption, working to make the Brotherhood a more appealing and immersive place to be. This is incredibly important work considering that we are competing with a multi-million dollar video game for member attentions. Above and beyond that, he has done a lot of this work while deployed, in the middle of the ocean on a warship. Yet, Shikyo is not an one trick pony. He has constantly and consistently come to me, seeking to do more for the club, trying to expand what we already have in more than just graphical ways. He has been a surrogate for me, and has been sent to units that need his unique wisdom and experience to grow beyond what they struggle with. When I noticed that Shikyo's dossier was pretty bare, despite his high rank, I sought immediately to make reparations. He deserves that much, considering all that he has done for us. To wit, I am pleased to present Shikyo Keibatsu, Herald of the Brotherhood and my brother, with an emerald dagger as a token of our esteem. Congratulations, keep up the great work, and I look forward to awarding you further. ~Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2012-01-24 16:00:43 UTC