Event Details

Event ID
Rhaub D'ar Aghasett-Palpatine
Legacy of Palpatine
Requested by
Rhaub D'ar Aghasett-Palpatine
Primary reason

Members and honored guests of Clan Scholae Palatinae have undoubtedly heard that a substantial number of us had birthdays during the past week. Some may scorn the fact as irrelevant, but the knowledge of sharing something with the people of you Clan reminds you that you're not together by accident, that indeed you have something in common when you are in the same Clan, and that finally, each clan has something, some essence, some almost primordial spirit that imbues and binds all members of Clan into whole, but also that is influenced by each of us individually, contributing our little part to the great whole.

But what carries that spirit? What is the source of it? The answer is very simple and direct. Its people who make the Clan that form its spirit. Each of us is responsible, in our own way, for Clan's well-being, both in aspects of activity and communication. And with time, some people differ by proving their loyalty to the Clan over and over again, by becoming essential part, the embodiment of the Clan spirit, that essence we cannot imagine our Clan without. These are the people who have looked at the Brotherhood and decided that Clan Scholae Palatinae is their place to be. Their home in the Brotherhood. These people are most worth of our respect, for they represent the core of Clan Scholae Palatinae, and each embodies and personifies the ideals the Clan stands for.

Therefore, I feel honored to give the name of Palpatine to Sith Warrior Phoenix, Krath Priest Rhaub D'ar Aghasett and Krath Priest Timbal, and to call these three from now on the Sons of Palpatine. All of them are perfect examples of virtues that Scholae Palatinae stands for. Fiercely active, friendly, open and communicative, excellent members, and above all, good men. These are the people that I can look and say "I am proud for being with them. I am proud for being in their Clan. I am proud to be a member of Clan Scholae Palatinae"

Thank you for your time, and once again, congratulations to Phoenix, Rhaub and Timbal and let me say once again – I am thankful for having you as my friends and clanmates. I, Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae salute you!

Krath Pontifex Vail Aquillarum Unteminar Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Rhaub D'ar Aghasett-Palpatine, 2004-05-10 22:00:00 UTC