Event Details

Event ID
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Primary reason

Sith Bloodfyre is one of the finest leaders in the Brotherhood. He accepts responsibility as it is given and pulls through with efforts that far surpass expectations. His time as ProConsul of Tarentum has served to make the clan one of the strongest in the Brotherhood. BF has filled in for the absence of his Consul, keeping activity high and making good communication a priority. SB has also been a great Praetor to the DGM. He has worked hard to establish a system of Order and Clan powers. This looks to be a great addition to the DB. For this, I reccomend that KPN Sith Bloodfyre be awarded a Sapphire Blade.

, 2003-09-14 22:00:00 UTC