Event Details

Event ID
Fremoc Pepoi
Silver Sash
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

The Silver Sash is given to someone who has demonstrated, without any doubt, that all they do is for the betterment of the Dark Brotherhood. Anyone who has worked with him, or paid any attention at all, can see that Fremoc clearly defines these qualities. Since becoming the FIST he has tirelessly worked at trying to better gaming in this club; an uphill battle at the best of times due to the fact that our games are sorely outdated. His work and ideas have helped keep things afloat. However, it has been his work on the TOR Guild that truly cements this honour for him. Our previous forray into the MMO-business was all over the place, and set-up for failure with members interested in themselves more than the club. However Fremoc has worked like a madmen, both in the lead-up and since then, to ensure that the DB Guild succeeds. All of his efforts are for the betterment of the Guild, and not for his own self. Everything he has done and all of his thoughts and ideas are concetrated on making things better for everyone. He wants to see all aspects of our Guild succeed. He is constantly trying to find new ways to improve or futher things. I don't think there is anyone else in this club who could have done what he did. Others have stepped up since the inception of the Guild, but from the ground-up he was always there and continues to be there. We could not have done any of this without his efforts, and for that he has truly shown his dedication to this club. Congratulations!

DJM Halcyon Taldrya Deputy Grand Master

The world has changed much since the exodus. Few remember that webclubs formed out of a need to find people to play multiplayer video games against, to download custom levels and maps from. The gaming industry changed, including new multiplayer options and centralized servers, making the old way of playing against others obsolete and unnecessary. The Brotherhood evolved, trying hard to shift our focus to remain relevant, becoming more and more fiction oriented, but keeping in mind our gaming roots. Fremoc ahs been on the edge of that knife. He has worked very hard to keep the gaming community alive in the Modern Brotherhood, leading the way in gaming nights and competitions. When the new TOR MMO was announced, it was frightening to many. Played wrong, we'd lose out on a huge recruitment and activity base for the club, in addition to the loss of all the man-hours spent by those who would be playing it like addicts for the next year or more. THere was a lot of planning, ad more than a few prestigious members who vanished from the planning and execution table. But Fremoc did not. He kept on, and worked wonders to keep our presence going, in game and out of it. When it came time to award this year's Silver Sash for loyalty, there were a few great members to chose from, but one rose to the top with ease. Fremoc, your dedication and loyalty to our Brotherhood is admirable, and the work that you have done is humbling. It is with great pleasure that I present you with the Silver Sash. ~Muz Ashen, Grand Master.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2012-04-13 19:08:30 UTC