Event Details

Event ID
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Macron Goura Sadow is a member of the Dark Brotherhood who has done great work for the club over a long period of time and continues to do so to this day. He is the embodiment of dedication. Macron has been Consul twice and participated and placed in many Great Jedi Wars and other vendettas. I have only had the honor of working with him for a short time, but already in that time Macron has shown me what serving one’s Clan is about. He sets the example by making sure members are properly awarded, running Clan events, keeping the Summit on task, participating in major competitions, and helping newer members out, myself included.

When Macron took office in his most recent term as Consul, we performed a thorough audit of the membership. Many were awarded or promoted, and Macron diligently collected information and compiled it to see if the member in question was worthy of recognition. Throughout his term as Consui Macron kept up with awards, making sure members were recognized for their contributions. Furthermore, Macron kept the Summit on task, ensuring that recommendations were written and submitted in a timely manner.

Macron also took it upon himself to open communication lines with our allies in Independent House Taldryan. During his time he made contact and was one of the main drivers for the event Alliance of Steel. Macron demonstrated his tenacity by keeping up with the event planning and making sure things got done as they were supposed to. Though the event didn’t go well, afterward Macron immediately began looking toward the future and how things could be done differently.

Not simply content to lead from the top, Macron did his fair share of getting in the trenches as well. He participated in such competitions as the Monthly Topic, taking first place in the Three-Man Runon and in the process helping a newer member learn the ropes of Runon-writing. Macron also participated in the Championship Ladder in the ACC, setting a great example for his Clan in that department. Furthermore, Macron maintained a presence in the Clan’s developmental Runon - Worldwreckers.

As noted above, Macron has helped newer members throughout his time as Consul. He worked closely with Kairus in the Three-Man Runon competition. He taught me a lot about what it meant to serve on Clan Summit and what was expected. Not content to leave helping newer members to the Rollmaster and House leadership, Macron offered advice and answered questions where he was able.

For the above reasons, along with his consistent strong dedication to Clan and Brotherhood, I would like to request a Sapphire Blade for Macron’s hard work. Congratulations, Macron!

  • KP Locke Sonjie Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

I have known Macron for many years, previously as a regular member in the Clan not as a member of summit. There is much that can be said when you approach him from that angle, he is a jovial guy who always has an air about Sadow succeeding. However once I took up the mantle of leadership under him, his dedication to Sadow became apparent. He was always looking for ways to make it push forward towards the next step. Always coaxing people on to do better and do more if they could. He was also very approachable about issues that came out and negotiating them to a workable conclusion. When we had a problem, he contacted people and made sure it was cleared up right.

In the past me and Macron have butted heads about many of things, however after we saw past our own stubbornness we realized our goals were one and the same but our solutions were very different as was our own perceptions of the issues themselves. Once we got past this hiccup our ability to work together grew stronger and in the end made Clan Naga Sadow better. I respect this man for his long dedication to the clan and this Sapphire Blade is more than earned by this mad alchemist.

Overall, Macron has been active for the course of years within the walls of Naga Sadow. His title of Son of Sadow shows this activity and dedication. He has participated in many competitions, earn a bunch of medals, bust most recently he wrote a run on that won a diamond crescent in a monthly topic. He has also created and ran a small feud with that of Taldryan where it was co-op. We were to work together with those in that house. He is always looking for ways to help Sadow, even now when real life has taken a sharp turn away from the DB he is offering his assistance with this transition to a new summit. Thank you for your service Macron. :)

  • Exarch Teu Pepoi CNS Proconsul

Macron has always been an influential member of Clan Naga Sadow. From his previous leadership positions, to being a Son, and most recently Consul of CNS, Macron has always been there for anyone who needs help and guidance. As a normal member of the House Macron is sometimes more active them some of my active JM, he always has the drive and devotion to serve his clan. During this last term as Consul, Macron did a lot to help the clan push forward even if he only lead the Clan for four months. He made progress in the clan’s lore, he pushed his leaders to regular contact members and to encourage them to participate. Even in the position of Consul he managed to earn a Crescent with Emerald Star and Diamond Star. He earn himself a Legion of Scholar, 10 Clusters of Ice, and was even appointed an Assistant Professor for the SA. That more than some members do in four months without holding a major leadership position. I feel as if Macron deserves our thanks and gratitude for the time that he lead us. Therefore I recommend that he be awarded a Sapphire Blade. Congrats!

~ SBL Jeric Cyrin, HMR Quaestor

In his latest term as Consul, Macron remains ever the model leader and member of this club. Winding back the clock two years, Macron was there when the clock turned back and Clans became Independent Houses once more; but whereas many old timers became disgruntled and bitter, Macron could see the need and stepped up to the table, with Sai laying down the building blocks in his term as Quaestor that were subsequently built off after his time in office was sadly cut short for much the same reasons as real life calling him away from Consul now. But what a time in office it was! Even in his what may appear shorter spells in the hot seats than some others, Macron has always given it 110%, working hard with the rest of the Summit, leading, meditating, driving activity and coming up with ideas that I'm sure others will have discussed at length in their own recommendations for this well deserved award.

In one of his reports last year, I recall Muz himself said that all leaders should practice what their preech, and that inspiration is best achieved when members see those above them getting out there and enjoying the activities the Brotherhood has to offer. In this, Macron's dossier record speaks for itself, with his virtually unending stream of medals from participation in vendettas to the ACC to internal Clan competitions and more. Even for a new member, eager to impress their new superiors and move up the ranks, this would be impressive; but for a leader, in charge of one of the Brotherhood's two clans, this makes it ever the more noteworthy. Moreover, Macron isn't a college student with hours of free time, but a man with a family and the pressures of a job out in the real world, making his continuing devotion -- and enthusiasm! -- for this club something that should serve as an inspiration for all those just starting out in Clan Naga Sadow.

On top of this, throughout the past year, Macron has toiled away on the upcoming vendetta, which I believe we will finally see reach its culmination this summer, when we will all be able to enjoy the fruits of his hard labour. And this is on top of his workload as Consul, his job as a mad scientist in the real world, his family commitments, his own seemingly endless participation in Brotherhood events. Sometimes, I don't know how Macron still does it, and I just wish I still had the time to be even half the member he is today.

Macron, you continue to inspire even the oldest of us, and I thank you again for everything you do for this club!

Darth Vexatus

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2012-04-13 20:14:03 UTC