Valhavoc has been a powerhouse of activity within TOR, organising several DB-wide competitions to take down Flashpoints and has organised multiple raids. These consist of the following - [TOR Warzone] Unbreakable, [TOR Warzone] Overkill, [TOR Speed Run] Black Talon HM, [Warzone] Unbreakable Round 2, [Warzone] Overkill Round 2 and [Threeâs a Crowd] Black Talon HM.Not only that, but he has garnered over four hundred Clusters of Fire and three Pendants of Blood. Valhavoc has also received four crescents of varying levels from competing in competitions.- DoG Round II, DoG Round I, Quick and Easy #1, Void Squadron trivia, Make your mark and [HARD MODE RACE],. Not only that, but Valhavoc has had a consistent presence on IRC, while completing SA exams and constantly helping the DB TOR guild to set server firsts on Kellerâs Void. Valhavoc has gone above and beyond the activity expected of a member, contributing to the continuing activity of TOR members. As such, he is deserving of an Anteian Cross. Well done Valhavoc, keep it up!
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2012-04-19 08:14:25 UTC