Sang has been quietly active behind the scenes of Arcona and House Galeres ever since taking the reins of Quaestor. He has been a beacon of activity for his House and Clan, participating in competitions to help out the membership and spur them on to further activity. He was active in the War of Three Families event as well as Operation Rolling Thunder, and has been a driving force behind the success that the Trials of Loyalty are already turning out to be. It seems that he is everywhere at once with that encouraging word to get his people up and moving. He is a constant presence on IRC where he is always willing to listen to people who need to vent, encourage those who are down and proof anything that needs work. In short he is the ultimate helping hand to the entire clan. All of this while being unobtrusive and unimposing.
Galeres wouldn't be the House it is, nor Arcona the clan it is without him, and I for one, count him among those I look to as examples of what leadership in the Brotherhood is all about.
For all of these reasons I think he is more than deserving of our highest accolades, but the Steel Cross is the most they let me had out :-)
Thanks for all you do, Sang, keep up the good work.
Scelestus, 2012-08-07 12:33:23 UTC