Event Details

Event ID
Mandalorian Roxas Buurenaar
Steel Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Roxas Buurenaar is a member who I am always happy to have in Naga Sadow. In our post-Horizons feud of Chasing Horizons, he entered two competitions, including the week 1 flash game and week 2 flash game. He was also a driving force of the Runon and contributed some good posts. Furthermore, Roxas is frequently active on IRC. He also has done a great job with the new House Shar Dakhan Battleteam, Darkest Hour. As BTL, he has run competitions, lead the group in establishing a motto, theme, and name, and also released regular reports. Starting a Battleteam from scratch is no easy task, but Roxas has done a great job of it so far. For these reasons I am proud to recommend this award for Roxas! Congrats!

  • KAP Locke Sonjie Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

While Roxas has been known to rub some people the wrong way, his love of the Brotherhood and Naga Sadow comes first. He is consistently on IRC and always willing to help anyone who joins the channel asking for help, this is also notable in his actions as a Battleteam Leader where he works to ensure his members are happy and working towards their next goals. Outside of IRC and his team, Roxas also continues to try and help members on our mailer where he constantly works to get our members active; he is a continuous driving force in activity. This drive for Naga Sadow to succeed is evident in himself where he leads by example, having participated in all possible events within Chasing Horizons and jumped feet first into the Dark Crusade Prologue and its events.

For his continued loyal support of Naga Sadow and the Brotherhood at large, I lend my voice amongst these others in recommending Roxas Buurenaar for this award.

Exarch Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart Consul Emeritus, Naga Sadow

Roxas is an ever present member of the Clan. While he can sometimes run into issue on account of stray comments, he is generally positive in his desired goals, no matter how it is received. He is a constant driving force within the clan and is always pushing for the best of himself and others, even when he knows he is outclassed. It is this stubbornness, this refusal to give up and sit down, that has earned him this award. He participates in all possible events, no matter placing, but for the sheer joy of pushing himself. For this, and all he does as BTL, it is time he is awarded on his merit.

-- OP Atra Ventus, Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2013-01-10 21:56:33 UTC