Event Details

Event ID
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Grand Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Over the past few months, Cethgus has been a boon to Arcona's growing population of journeymen. He has stepped up, going far beyond what one would expect from a 'typical' Aedile, and shouldered a huge amount of responsibility for both Galeres and Qel-Droma's new members' progression and development in the Brotherhood. And all of this has been completed along with an increasing workload placed upon him by the Arconan clan summit. This is the kind of dedication and devotion that has sculpted Arcona's success, and it is the kind of dedication that should be recognised.

Over the past few months, Cethgus has worked with Atyiru, S'nar and Kyrun to ensure that each of these members achieves their full potential. One example is his dedication to helping the newer members with their gaming endeavours. He has single-handedly constructed a clan Arcona journeymen Flash Point and Operations group in The Old Republic with the sole purpose of helping the journeymen level up, gain Clusters of Fire, and help them get accustomed with the game. This has been particularly prevalent with S'nar, Morrighan and Kyrun, who've all benefited considerably from his help and experience. This is only reified by his recent endeavour to help S'nar with his promotion requirements, involving running four Warzones which took a total of four hours to complete. Furthermore, he has made a concerted effort to help journeymen in whichever platform they own, even at point purchasing games for individuals so that they may better enjoy their experience in the Brotherhood. He has even gone as far as to help members with their fictional development - which we all know is decidedly not Cethgus' strong point - and succeeded with members such as S'nar, who is now on his swift way to Jedi Hunter.

Not only has this consistent dedication to the members been recognised by his Quaestor, Proconsul and I, but I've even received an email from a few members highlighting the help he's given them, and asking that Cethgus be appropriately recompensed for his time. This is quite frankly inspiring.

All of this has been without want or reward; it's been for the members and the members alone. But this kind of selflessness is not restricted to helping the newer members. Indeed, over the past few months, Cethgus has shouldered an increasing amount of responsibility within House Galeres. With Sanguinius' increasingly demanding schedule, Cethgus has had to step into the fore, acting in his capacity as Aedile, and as a stand-in Quaestor, sometimes for months at a time. He has written reports, made key decisions, kept the members engaged, and ensured that Galeres continues to prosper even in the intermittent absence of it's Quaestor. In fact, he has done more than aid it's growth... Cethgus has, for all intents and purposes, facilitated a Galeres-dominant Arcona, refining what was once the clan's weaker house into a pillar of the Brotherhood community. Galeres now leads Qel-Droma in almost every aspect aside from writing. In this way, he has done more than any of the House's former Quaestors and Aediles ever could. And how did he do it? Investment of time, dedication, devotion, and investment in people.

Grand Crosses of the Dark Side are, "... given to those who have shown exemplary work in their position, demonstrating a keen understanding of their surroundings and helping to further their planned goals." In this circumstance, Cethgus has been more than an exemplar in his position; he has become a marker. Raising the bar is something in which Cethgus seems to excel, and he seems to have done it again. Moreover, not only has he demonstrated a keen understanding of his surroundings and interpreted the needs of the membership, but he has also gone above and beyond his means to cater for these needs. By doing so, he has set aside his own planned goals for the development of the newer members. This is surely a noble sacrifice, and one that deserves the utmost respect. But still, he has crafted a House worthy of recognition. He has stepped up, carried the Galeres banner, and demonstrated unequivocally that he is one of the key members of this Brotherhood. Arcona would be in a worse place without him, and I am both honoured and humbled to be recommending him for this Grand Cross.

Congratulations, Stu. You've earned it.

~Wuntila Arconae. Consul. Clan Arcona.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-05-08 16:19:15 UTC