Event Details

Event ID
Reaper Heiken Akechi
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Having participated in a total of 3 events on the most recent Dark Crusade chapter, and two events during the Independence Games in which he gained his first Crescent as well as being one of Taldryans most active Gamers with gaining himself a total 51 Clusters of Fire as well as a Bronze Novae, Nero has been a real asset to Taldryan and one of the most active Journeymen of the House since his promotion to Guardian. His steady voice on IRC and his will to increase the activity within the House through running a competition of his own show only add to this.

Nero, for your dedication for Taldryan on the battlefields of the Dark Crusade, I am hereby rewarding you with an Anteian Cross. Congrats on your first Merit Award, well deserved and of course well done.

Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar Quaestor of House Taldryan #10701

Nero has been a shining star amongst his Journeymen brothers of Taldryan. Earning 51 CF’s in may, along with a Crescent with Amethyst, 2 Seals of Reminiscence and a recent promotion to Guardian, this member is showing his stuff. During the Dark Crusade Nero Iferni participated in a total of 3 events in the 3rd month of the event.

For his dedication to Taldryan and growth in the Brotherhood, in tandem with my Quaestor Rian, hereby award Guardian Nero Iferni with an Anteian Cross. Congratulations on your first Merit Award, brother. Well earned!

  • Aedile of House Taldryan, Exarch Shaz’air Taldrya

Rian Taldrya, 2013-06-13 11:26:31 UTC