Halcyon Rokir Taldrya, for your diligent work and dedication to Taldryan I am hereby requesting you to be awarded with a Steel Cross. Halcyon has participated in 13 of 17 events and aided the House Summit with keeping track of member activities and posting necessary tips on the Taldryan message forums.
Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar
Quaestor of House Taldryan
Halcyonâs has brought his years of experience in Brotherhood leadership to the table in assisting Taldryanâs summit throughout the Crusade. His work has not simply been merely in the form of advice, but has also taken the forms of hard work. He participated in 13 of 17 events, and was a driving force in both a Wiki and Run-On event. He should be awarded for this drive and his efforts. Yay Halc!
Rian Taldrya, 2013-06-13 11:43:38 UTC