Event Details

Event ID
Lorad Desmos
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Lorad Desmos
Primary reason

House Acclivis Draco has a Master / Student program in place that is also tied into a promotional system. As Lorad's Master I have watched him take on ever task set before him and blast it. Lorad was Tetrarch of a BattleTeam which was closed under CSP's restructuring, but even now he is recognised by all in the Clan as an unofficial second-in-command.

He is easily the most active member of the Clan, submitting to ever competition available, with a continued presence on IRC, the MB's and the email graoups. Lorad is one of the people who make up the backbone of CSP and will definitely be one of the main influences in helping CSP rebuild itself.

It is an honour to be in the club with people of Lorad's calibre.

Lorad Desmos, 2003-06-18 22:00:00 UTC