I haven't always been able to watch the members of the other Houses, especially with only being named PCON very recently. But I can honestly say that Zeno has always been active from what I've seen, and his Quaestor, Rekio Corsair, has also noted that Zeno is a committed member, and is always consistant with his activity. I think Zeno shows a level of committment and attitude that I've always tried to encourage in tarentum, even though I haven't been a Clan Summit before this. I think Zeno is more than deserving of this reward, and Rekio Corsair, his Quaestor agree (but he allowed me the opportunity to put Zeno up for promotion on this). :)
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre
Dave Trebonious-Astoris, 2003-08-07 22:00:00 UTC