Dark Jedi Knight Strategos T. Entar is a long-standing member of Qel-Droma, having served the House for over two years. Especially in the last months, he has been very active, has participated in a lot of different competitions, and has been a great asset to the House. His IRC presence is always excellent, and so are his communication skills. Strategos knows practically every member in the House, and keeps in contact with nearly every one as well. Ask any Qel-Droma member if you dont believe it.
Also, it has been 5 months already since he took on the position of Tetrarch of the Prophecy Phyle, and has done a great deal of work in that position. Strategos is one of the best leaders Qel-Droma has, and he has shown that in his work as Tetrarch. Along with participating in most competitions, he has also created a few himself and has, as a Tetrarch, continually encouraged his members, through e-mail, MSN and IRC, to be as active as possible, and he was successful with the approach. However, for the more 5 months work he has done as Tetrarch and his 5 months great activity, he has only received one promotion (to Dark Jedi Knight) as a reward, a long overdue one as well. I feel that the time has come to give him this promotion as a reward he truly earns. I wish you the best of luck with your new rank, Priest Strategos Thanatos Entar, and may the Force be with you!
- KE JaM3z Lucius Entar, Proconsul of Clan Arcona
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae, 2003-11-14 23:00:00 UTC