Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
New Rank
Krath Epis (Equite 3)
Requested by
Primary reason

Impressive amount of work over quite a long period of time is all i can say here! Let us look for example at what he has accomplished in the time since our feud with arcona (which we won!!! ), that would be no longer than about 3 month. - Got the CSK Stadard promo guides complied and approved - Participated in the Clan Monthly Run-On competitions (Jac approved) - Engaged 9 battles in the ACC including the DB wide Challenge of Ashvroth and the Celebration ladder (which he currently stands in the finals of!!) - Awarded: Cr-1R, Cr-1S, Cr-1E, CoF x3, DSS x3 - Participated in the development of ACC vendetta/feud guidelines (still in progress) - Submitted 6 DV entries - Participated in the Epic Story comp hosted by the KHP (still waiting results) - Developed the framework and graphic interface for the new DPBA website (w/Halc and Pred) - Guided three training matches in the ACC (1 a month) for folks who needed help - Proposed new ACC framework to the CM for the guidance of Judges and Trainers (approved/in progress) - Proposed a new ACC medal, provided history, graphic and qualifications (denied) - Started/Developed 4 Clan wide competitions, provided space and graphics - made 7 million credits in SWG :) to go along with my master skills... (That's a serious amount of time spent on the game ;P) - Completed the Krath Test of Skill at the SA - Completed the Run-on course at the SA - Participated in the HM's first anagram challenge - Placed in 2 KMT's (so far)

Now seriously how many people do you know who can show such an impressive activity list for that period of time? I am not even mentioning his relentless effort to keep all the summits motivated, help with suggestion and ideas for improvment of the houses and the activity & communication between members.

I would like herby to promote KAP Dalthid to the Rank of KE. A well deserved promotion by any standard!

Dalthid, 2003-12-16 23:00:00 UTC