Jason has struggled lately, but I don't think any member of the DB can say they have never had struggles in their lives. I realize that it has been hard, at times, to find the motivation, and I've talked with Jason, and he knows his situation at this point, but in the end, he's been trying to keep on, and not give up. I think as he puts more of himself into this, and remembers that it's not for himself, but for the House, he'll begin to reap the rewards that mean more than any medal or promotion. I'd ask and advise you never to forget that, Jason, for as we realize that we're serving others, and providing them with enjoyment, we'll see the real benefits of being a leader.
I find Jason Hunter worthy of advancement to Archpriest, and offer my congratulations.
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre
Jason Hunter, 2004-01-03 23:00:00 UTC