We have arrived at a point where we are only one step away from a hopefully bright future for both our Sith and Obelisk by consolidating our efforts with merging both houses!
This step would be to give each of our summits what s/he has already earned, clearing the balances so to speak, so we can start with a new slate beginning with the merger!
For that reason i would like to Promote Arso! He has been an asset to the house starting with high activity as AED, covering for Waza on a couple of occasions, being on time with his reports and leading by example participating in competitions on house, clan and db level.
He went on to take QUA position after Waza quit, and as you know, a higher position eaquals higher responibility and dedication.
My wish to award him with this promotion goes to satisfy what i feel he has done so far as AED and QUA and to motivate him to get every thing ship shape for the future.
We would need a summit willing to pay close attention to all of their members needs large or small.
It will be a hard way infront of us, but one that can be navigated if every one had the proper motivation! :)
SO Gord Darkonian (Sith)/CON/Clan Satal Keto [ACC: INI]
Arso Slyth, 2004-01-06 23:00:00 UTC