We have arrived at a point where we are only one step away from a hopefully bright future for both our Sith and Obelisk by consolidating our efforts with merging both houses!
This step would be to give each of our summits what s/he has already earned, clearing the balances so to speak, so we can start with a new slate beginning with the merger!<br><br>
For that reason I would like to Promote the third in the list, that would be Vessicant!
He has been keeping up with his duties as QUA to the sith house despite the fact that ever since the split our sith had been hurt badly.
The quite small number members of the house coupled with the unfortunate lack of interest on their part, while the DB can not offer them a replacement for the old flying Sims, didn't keep him from trying as hard as he could to keep the ball rolling, constant weekly reports, mail contact, running competitions even though the chances of someone taking part were miniscule. He never gave up on the house! And he works with us at clan summit when ever he can , doing what ever we might ask him to do. currently he is helping with the csk home system as well for example, as volunteering for a Master spot to help a newbie along the way up to the day he receives DJK.
My wish to award him with this promotion goes to satisfy what I feel he has done as QUA over quite a long period of time with the same unwavering dedication and to motivate him to get every thing ship shape for the future. <BR>
We would need a leaders willing to pay close attention to all of their members needs large or small. <BR>
It will be a hard way in front of us, but one that can be navigated if every one had the proper motivation! :)<BR><BR>
SO Gord Darkonian (Sith)/CON/Clan Satal Keto [ACC: INI]
Vessicant, 2004-01-06 23:00:00 UTC