This might seem soon after his promotion to DJK, but I think nearly every member of Tarentum (if not all) would agree with me on this. I also know that Kaiann would agree, since he's always expressed satisfaction with Spears, and praise for him.
I don't think there is any more active Krath in Tarentum than Spears; and if there is, it's his apprentice, William X. Spears is not only participating in almost every competition known to man, he's tossing out nearly as many as he submits to. He's dedicated to providing anyone, and everyone with something to do, and that is a rareity, indeed.
If I could recommend Spears for every award in existance, I think that might be a close representation of how much he gives of himself, and asks nothing in return. Tarentum is made better by his presence, and his example. Tarentum is a great Clan; people like Spears make it the best.
Congratulations, Spears.
-OPM Sith Bloodfyre
Spears Tarentae, 2004-01-22 23:00:00 UTC