Event Details

Event ID
Indoril "Knight" Do'Urden
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Indoril "Knight" Do'Urden
Primary reason

Since entering Clan Exar Kun and House Ziost, KnightofRage has strived to set a high example to all Clansmen and Clanswomen. His dedication to the house is un-matched. KnightofRage has served as my Aedile for nearly two months. In this time he has shown great leadership ideals through ideas and projects submitted to the House. He continues to inspire the House members to work to the best of their ability, encouraging them to be active and submit themself. To complete his dedication to House and Clan, Knight also registered and pays for the Clan Domain (Http://www.clanexarkun.org) which will hold the House Ziost and Clan Exar Kun sites as well as the Clan Tome. Through this, I reccomend KnightofRage to pass from the journeyman ranks and become a Dark Jedi Knight and be awarded his lightsaber. Congraulation KnightofRage, You deserve it. :Warmaster Exar Khaland Kunar

Indoril "Knight" Do'Urden, 2004-01-30 23:00:00 UTC