Event Details

Event ID
Daryus "ShadowHunter" Zalyn'Cya Bloodfyre
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Daryus "ShadowHunter" Zalyn'Cya Bloodfyre
Primary reason

Daryus has been a great asset to Tarentum, both as friend, and member. His dedication in the Sith War helped Tarentum's dominance in the RoS prevail; he was one of the more active members of the Clan, and the Proconsul and I elected to take his performance as part of his Jedi Trials.

As the final stage of his Trials, Daryus was asked to provide a piece of fiction, to describe the construction of his lightsaber, and provide a bit of info on what his lightsaber meant to him. I'm proud to say that, as his master, I find that Daryus has done exquisitely, and has hereby passed his trials. As such, I find him worthy of promotion to Dark Jedi Knight.

Congratulations, apprentice.

-DA Sith Bloodfyre

Daryus "ShadowHunter" Zalyn'Cya Bloodfyre, 2004-04-11 22:00:00 UTC