Event Details

Event ID
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Muz Ashen has submitted to several competitions, including Tissaya’s Bonanza competition, for which he gained quite a lot of points. To add to that, he successfully completed the task I set for him.

His activity within the house is quite good. Besides submitting for competitions, he is active on IRC, and is participating in more then one house run-on. for all this combined, I deem him ready for promotion.

Congratulations, Jedi Hunter Muz Ashen.

~DJK Korras Aquillarum, Aedile of House Marka Ragnos.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2004-04-16 22:00:00 UTC