Event Details

Event ID
Saitou Tarentae
Old Rank
Krath Epis (Equite 3)
New Rank
Krath Pontifex (Equite 4)
Requested by
Saitou Tarentae
Primary reason

By PCON Arania: Saitou is an irreplaceable anchor of tradition in CSP and a constant source of inspiration and activity. His experience and knowledge of the clan's past have led to an unbroken Clan identity, even in times when everything looked bleak. Not only in the IGs has he shown his willingness to even do tasks not completely to his liking, just for the Clan. When the channels were dead, he was the one animating the people in it. When there is a lull on the mailing lists, he will think of something to make them come alive again. Any competition that looks like CSP will benefit from doing it, he will enter, and quite successfully, too. Thus he is also setting an example to all other members. CSP wouldn't be the real CSP without him. By CON Vail: When CSP is mentioned, people almost always think of Saitou. There is perhaps no stronger pillar of Clan, no greater bearer of Clan identity and community then him. He is always among the most-active people around, and self-initiatively motivates his fellow clanmates. The results of Clan Scholae Palatinae are largely thanks to the efforts of Saitou, which makes him more then worthy of a high rank of Pontifex.

Saitou Tarentae, 2004-05-26 22:00:00 UTC