I suppose I could just say that being Spears should be reason enough to be promoted, but not everyone knows what that entails. Spears is one of the more active leaders of the DBPA, currently filling in for Kelric as Baron while he is having computer issues. In addition, he also holds himself as one of the most active members of Gladius. His time is spread thin between the DB, work and relationships, and yet he still manages to impress everyone with his activity levels. I can think of no greater award than to make Spears GM, but as I'm sure he's got some plot up his sleeves for that, I'd ask to have him promoted.
Oh, and I was only MOSTLY kidding about the GM plot. ;) Congratulations, Spears.
-DA Sith Bloodfyre
Spears Tarentae, 2004-06-14 22:00:00 UTC