This request was made by: OT Silent (Obelisk)
The reason given for this request:
As seen in the last 6 months my Student Pug has been the most active i
have ever seen. He has fullfilled all his reqs for DJK and went through 4
very challenging trials laid down by me. In the 4 weeks it took to
complete everyone of them he came out with very high marks. Though i am
not in the position to give him this rank no matter if you denied this
request my QUA, PCON, and CON will all send you the same req. But I
personally as his AED and Master would like to stow upon this great honor
to my own student. He has truely earned this rank.
I can only concur and say congrats Pug!
Pug, 2004-09-13 22:00:00 UTC