Event Details

Event ID
Isalka Tyoun
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Isalka Tyoun
Primary reason

A little over 7 months ago, I brought Isalka into the DB fold, and since then she has performed admirably. Though at various times in RL she was either going to college, holding down a job, or both, Isalka has given her time, energy, and dedication to this group.

Not only has she been an active participant, and perhaps almost a fixture, of the #arcona channel during her time, she has taken strides in participation in GJW5, as well as various House competitions. And most amazingly was her having placed 2nd in a Sith War event, at which time she was only a Guardian, and a Krath to boot!

Additionally, she has completed the newly minted "trial" for all Arconan Jedi Hunters by detailing the story of how she gained her lightsaber, in preparation for her eventual rise to Dark Jedi Knight.

Isalka has proven herself a more than worthy apprentice, and has rightly earned her place as a Dark Jedi Knight of Clan Arcona.

~Epis Vassan Rokir~ Consul of Clan Arcona

Isalka Tyoun, 2004-09-23 22:00:00 UTC