To the Most excellent Master at Arms of The Brotherhood, Greetings:
This letter is being written on the request of Krath priest Exodius of House Acclivis Draco in regards to the promotion of his student Protector Radek (#4045) of House Acclivis Draco.
Since the Protectors last promotion on the 7th of May of 2004, he has completed several courses at the Shadow academy in an attempt to further his know into the Dark side, most notably among them:
IRC Basics (Completed: 5/7/2004)
Test of Wisdom (Completed: 5/9/2004)
Krath Core (Completed: 5/12/2004)
Krath Grammar Studies (Completed: 5/22/2004)
Krath Runon (Completed: 6/1/2004)
Leadership Studies (Completed: 6/1/2004)
HTML Basics (Completed: 7/16/2004)
Obelisk Core (Completed: 7/18/2004)
Sith Core (Completed: 8/7/2004)
He has to the knowledge of the House summit, and being confirmed by the members of the House at large, participated in several KMTs. He has also demonstrated participation in the GJW chapter II run-on. He also participates in the chat when he has the time to do so.
I, as the Aedile of House Acclivis Draco, and with the blessing of my Quaestor, find the above proofs sufficient to warrant a promotion to the rank of Guardian with all privileges that it entails. Thank you for your consideration of this candidate.
RADEK, 2004-10-10 22:00:00 UTC