From Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn:
What exactly can I say about Shadow? He is the glue (or some sticky substance) that holds Taldryan together. His presence, while sometimes frightening to APPs, is crucial to Taldryans character as a Clan. He is one of the old-school Taldryanites who help the new crop of members to understand the Clans storied history. Shadow has been Quaestor of House Dinaari for over eight months. In this time he done a tremendous job, even though in the middle of it all we merged our Sith House with his, giving him a whole new range of responsibilities! He handled all of this incredibly well. Shadow is a constant presence on IRC to chat, he posts on the message boards constantly, and he participates in competitions all the time. His lead by example mentality is a great help to the younger members of his House. He did very well in Great Jedi War participation, placing high in the Clans overall standings. It has been a year since Shadow was promoted, and that year has probably been the most productive of all his time in the Brotherhood. He is constantly full of new ideas, and I have been eagerly awaiting the end of the GJW just to see his new competition ideas some to be. Shadow is devoted to Clan Taldryan and is possibly its most loyal servant. If he ever left us I wouldnt know what to do, and Im sure Dinaari would revolt in protest! For all of the things I have listed here and for others I cant put into words Shadow deserves a promotion to Obelisk Primarch.
From Proconsul Sharad Taldrya Hett:
What can I say about Shadow? He's been with me almost the entire time I've been in the Dark Brotherhood. He was a member under me when I was AED and QUA of Dinaari. He was my biggest supporter when I was OHC twice (being P:OHC at the time as well). He was right behind me when I was and am PCON of Taldryan. He was a good CoG. He actually make the GMRG fun for me, and that means a lot since I've been in the GMRG about 3 or 4 separate times (CoG once) and never enjoyed it other than when he was CoG. Now, he is Quaestor of Dinaari for the second time.
Shadow has really come alive as Quaestor this term. He has excited his members about the DB and is letting loose a lot of awesome ideas. He is creating fun unique competitions and different ways to go about things
rather than just the same old crap that everyone does. This GJW was one of his greatest achievements. In the past he missed the last 2 DB wide competitions (RoS and failed GJW) for weird reasons, so this was his
first one. He has participated in this GJW with a vigor I haven't seen from him much. In Taldryan participation he managed to get 8th and in Taldryan scoring he got 5th in total points and 5th in total points/event (up through Chapter 3 results). Up through Chapter 3 he has brought in an amazing 423 points for the clan. His participation in Chapter 4 was stellar as well, so I expect to see even more points coming from him.
Shadow hasn't been promoted in over a year now, and he truly deserves this one. He is one of the most important members Taldryan has. Without him House Dinaari and the Obelisk in general of the clan would suffer greatly. Also, now that I'm DA I'll allow him to have my old rank, since I always told him he could have OPM once I got DA. :P
Aidan Kincaid, 2004-10-19 22:00:00 UTC