Honorable Master-at-Arms,
I come before you to recommend a Knight of the Brotherhood for a promotion to Templar. Dark Jedi Knight Xiphias Amplus Entar has proven to be a valuable asset to not only his clan, Arcona, but also to the Brotherhood as a whole. Though one does not often see Xiphias in action in events like the ICTE or other multiplayer competitions, this doesn't mean Xiphias hasn't done efforts for his clan and this club. On the contrary even: Xiphias has, for more than a year now, hosted not only the Brotherhood's IRC Service bot dbb0t, but also provided hosting for the Dark Brotherhood Photo Gallery and the Arcona Site.
Lately, he has proven to be of even more value by greatly increasing the Photo Gallery's security by adding a PIN/Password check linked to the DJB database, and by adding an automated online log archive of the Brotherhood's main channel to the IRC bot. This automatically logs all conversations in the official channel to a site, accessible by the whole membership to read. Add to these facts a good presence on IRC, and a promotion to Templar is thoroughly deserved.
Keep up the good work, Templar!
His Excellency, Krath Pontifex James Lucius
Trianthar Arala Entharyi, di Tenebrous Arconae
Lord Archon of the Brotherhood, Consul Emeritus
Xiphias has been a valuable member of the clan by hosting and maintaining Arcona.net, which is essential to our activities and is the face of Arcona, where people look when they want to know "what is Arcona all about". He has not only provided this essential material resource to the clan but has also served the Brotherhood quite well, working for ways to make the dbb0t more useful and upgrading the Brotherhood Gallery. For these reasons, I grant my support to his elevation.
- al'Lan Mandragoran, PCON of Arcona
Xiphias Amplus, 2004-11-18 23:00:00 UTC