Event Details

Event ID
Rhaub D'ar Aghasett-Palpatine
Old Rank
Krath Priest (Equite 1)
New Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
Requested by
Rhaub D'ar Aghasett-Palpatine
Primary reason

From KAP Timbal:

Priest Rhaub D'ar Aghasett Palpatine has been a solid fixture in House Acclivis Draco, as well as the Clan, for quite some time now. Single-handedly running the House site, as well as keeping the content fresh and new is a task that is quite challenging on top of his other previous tasks as Tetrarch. As a Tetrarch, the Priest performed admirably, and even earned the Tetrarch spot in our elite Battle Team. He is one of the cornerstones of our House, always helping, always quick to answer any questions any members of the House may have, and a true leader that anyone would be more than happy to have. For two long years this Priest has toiled without recompense, and he is way overdue. Thus, I recommend and fully support the elevation of the Krath Priest to Krath Archpriest. He has more than earned it!

From KPN Vail: Rhaub was always one of best assistants any Quaestor or Consul could ask for. He has indeed more then earned the promotion to KAP. Congratulations man, and thanks on all you did for us so far!

Rhaub D'ar Aghasett-Palpatine, 2004-11-22 23:00:00 UTC