Telaris Cantor stood quietly at the entrance to the Grand Master's chambers. His daily ritual of visiting the leader of the Brotherhood often left him staring at the large oak doors that guarded the chambers; Jac had a tendancy of making him wait. Of course, Telaris also had a habit of being late. It never failed that he would be stopped en route to seeing the Dark Lord. "Mav!" they would yell, stepping right in front of his path. It never ended. Trade Negotiations, Territory Wars, Clan Conflicts. Building plans. Retirements. Mav dealt with everything it seemed, and everything always had a knack for finding him.
Today had been quiet, though. He only ran into Kir Katarn, who had obviously just left the Grand Master's presence. The Taldryan Consul had that look about him as if he had just heard what he wanted to hear. Kir, a newly promoted Primarch, chatted with Mav briefly and went on his way. "Good luck," he said, departing quickly. It was at that point that Mav knew something was going on. It was too unusual to be stopped but once.
He waited at the doors trying to sense what was happening within. As usual, Jac wasn't allowing any sort of penetration into the chamber. The Adept heard the customary sounds that indicated Jac was unlocking the door. However, instead of swinging open like usual, the doors only opened slightly, and the Dark Lord stepped out through the slit. The doors quickly shut behind him. "Mav." Jac nodded in the Adept's direction. Mav bowed in return. "Tell me, how go your studies?"
"My studies?" Mav was taken aback. Jac never asked about Mav's skills, and Mav preferred it that way. "I have been lacking the time I need to devote to them fully."
"I don't think you need any more time, Telaris." Jac replied, smirking. "Come." The Grand Master opened the doors and beckoned for Mav to follow.
Telaris Cantor knelt before the Grand Master, their eyes locked in a cold stare.
"Ascendant," the Grand Master said slowly and carefully, "what does thou desire of the Dark Side?"
"Mastery," Mav replied, confident, assured, yet afraid.
Well folks, this has been a long time coming. Mav has deserved to be promoted for a long long time, and now his stupid boss has finally gotten a chance to do it. I don't know how much I need to tell you about Mav to convince you that he is deserving of Dark Jedi Master.I think that if you look at the people who have achieved that rank recently, you would most assuredly put Mav into that class of people. From his skills with the members or his ability to manage, to his vast initiative that I admire greaty, Mav is a first class member.
As Lord Chamberlain, Mav took his service to the next level. He was always helping where needed and was on the ball with everything assigned to him. Now, as Deputy Grand, Mav takes care of a great deal of things that I simply cannot. I trust him to work as an extension of my office, with my approval on whatever he decides on his own. He carries himself well, and never is one to hold back from what he knows it right.
Mav brought me back to the DB in 2000. We have been great friends since. In fact, Mav is the only person from this club that my fiancee actually knows about. He's done a lot for me over the years, and even more for the DB. It is for that reason that I am honored -- honored -- to elevate Telaris "Mav" Cantor to thew rank of Dark Jedi Master.
Congratulations, Mav! And Thanks.
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin
Grand Master
Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2004-12-11 23:00:00 UTC