Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Primary reason

To the Master of Arms of the Brotherhood:

This is a promotion recommendation for Revan Vilks (#4441).

I, as the Aedile of House Acclivis Draco, and with the blessing of the Quaestor and the summit of Clan Scholae Palatinae find that Protector Revan Vilks has completed, to the best of his abilities, the requirements for elevation to the rank of Guardian as set by the House Acclivis Draco summit.

He has under supervision of the summit completed the Krath Run-on course at the Shadow Academy. Together he and I jointly submitted a fiction piece for the CSP Inter-Clan competition. He has also brought honor to himself and the House by placing in both the ACC Morph Hall Competition (3rd) and 3rd in the CSP Personal Quarters event.

Thank you for your consideration and congratulations Revan!

KP Kschamehellan (Krath)/AED/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae

Dogmaticus, 2004-12-21 23:00:00 UTC