Event Details

Event ID
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Old Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Primary reason

Vodo has kept a very consistent activity level ever since he joined Ektrosis. He is one of those few pillars of achievement for activity, and even a role model for the less active. He's constantly getting his hands on Shadow Academy courses, and has participated in the Krath Christmas Present comp; along with being the only member to submit to his Tetrarch's trivia since he's arrived. I believe this show of dedication, and his respect towards following his leaders is a great show of how much he deserves this promotion.

Way to go, Vodo.

Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2005-01-07 23:00:00 UTC