Event Details

Event ID
Erlandil Valenthort
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Erlandil Valenthort
Primary reason

As Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh, and administor of the Dark Jedi Knight Trials for this house, I do hereby request that JH Erlandil Valenthort be promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. He completed the First Trial by creating an image of the lightsaber he would wield. He completed the Second Trial by submitting a fiction detailing the creation of his lightsaber and its first use. Erlandil has been a valued member of House Ludo Kressh and in my honest opinion, he is overdo for this promotion.

Erlandil Valenthort, 2005-01-21 23:00:00 UTC