JH Duga has been a strong asset to Dinaari and Taldryan since he joined almost a year and a half ago surprising us by achieving the rank of JH so quickly. And I have to admit that I havent really been keeping track of his work and just recently saw that hes been sitting at JH for almost a year
since I got QUA pretty much. And Id like to apologize first off for that neglect and thank Duga for sticking it out when most members change clans for the quick promotion.
Even though he runs another gaming club (which I cant remember the name of this second) he puts in tons of time for DB stuff like the MP nights and the GJW, etc, etc etc and always is around on IRC to talk and help out. Despite having obligations much more demanding then being a member of the DB Duga continues to put effort into his gaming skills and into the DB as a whole. His dedication to Taldryan this last year and a half has been amazing, not only because hes been flying under my radar for a promotion and stayed, but also hes never been more then enthusiastic about the stuff we do and the competitions we run. Hes a true Dinaarian because of the attitude, which distinguishes us from the rest of the DB.
It is my great pleasure to finally promote Duga to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, and to award him his lightsaber. Keep up the good work, Duga. And thanks for hanging in there.
Duga Taldrya Arkarso, 2005-01-28 23:00:00 UTC