Yeoman of Tridens, Protector Vardar:
You have reached an important juncture in your career within the Brotherhood. You have without hesitation performed feats of academic excellence within the Shadow Academy, completing 9 courses since your arrival in House Tridens. You have, with bravery, played 10 matches in official DB gaming events like the ICTE and Tuesday/Thursday gaming. You have played unofficial matches with your fellow jedi in Yu Circle. You also played 12 matches in the Yu -vs- Tarentum competition, an important competition for Yu Circle and House Tridens. Though you were gone on travels for nearly a month, you have returned, playing 5 matches in the ICTE of January 29, 2005, restoring your standing in Yu Circle and paving the way for future conquest. This is a varied array of activity in the gaming portion of the Brotherhood, and your consistent loyalty to Clan Tarentum has not gone unnoticed. We recognize your dedication, and promote you to the rank of GUARDIAN. I hope that you will continue on the path toward greater power within your trials of darkness. Best of luck in your future pursuits, and may darkness guide you in the New Year. -- Dark Side Adept Pyralis
Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya, 2005-01-29 23:00:00 UTC